Dr. Marco Milella Scientific Staff Institute of Forensic Medicine, Anthropology Phone +41 31 684 02 07 E-Mail Marco.Milella@irm.unibe.ch Postal Address Murtenstrasse 26 3008 Bern ORCID No orcid.org/0000-0003-1027-6601
CV Since 7/2019 Scientific Staff, Department Anthropology, Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Bern. 9/2012 – 6/2019 Senior Lecturer, Department of Anthropology & Anthropological Museum, University of Zürich. 6/2010 – 8/2012 Postdoctoral research fellow, Department of Anthropology & Anthropological Museum, University of Zürich. 5/2010 PhD in Evolutionary and Experimental Biology, University of Bologna. Supervisor: Prof. Maria Giovanna Belcastro. 3/2005 Master of Science in Natural Sciences, University of Bologna. Supervisor: Prof. Maria Giovanna Belcastro. Google Scholar Researchgate
Research focus Research interests Diet, mobility and social differentiation in the European Iron Age Lifestyle and funerary patterns among Iron Age agro pastoralists in Central Asia Social and biological status in preindustrial societies Multivariate approaches to bioarchaeology and funerary archaeology Research projects CELTUDALPS: "Celts Up & Down the Alps: Origin and mobility patterns on both sides of the Alps during the Late Iron Age (4th-1st c. BC)".Department of Anthropology, Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Bern. PIs: Dr. Marco Milella und Dr. Albert Zink.
Teaching 2022 Tod und Bestattungssitten im Römischen Westen, University of Bern: course co-organizer 2013-2019, BIO204 – Bioarchaeology, University of Zurich: course organizer 2012-2019, BIO203 – Palaeoanthropology, University of Zurich: teaching assistant 2012-2019, BIO133 - Anthropologisches Praktikum, University of Zurich: coordinator 2010-2019, BIO202 - Evolutionary Functional Morphology of Primates, University of Zurich: teaching assistant 2010-2019, BIO208 - Morphometric Analysis, University of Zurich: teaching assistant 2007-2009, Bioarchaeology and Forensic Osteology, University of Bologna: teaching assistant 2007-2009, Palaeoanthropology, University of Bologna: teaching assistant 2009, Master in Bioarcheology, Paleopathology and Forensic Anthropology (University of Bologna, University of Milano, University of Pisa: teaching assistant 2009, Biodeterioration and Degradation of Bioarchaeological Materials: adjunct professor
Memberships Swiss Society for Anthropology (SGA) (SGA) European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) American Association of Biological Anthropology (AABA) British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology (BABAO)