PD Dr. rer. biol. hum. Sandra Lösch Head of Department Institute of Forensic Medicine, Anthropology E-Mail Sandra.Loesch@irm.unibe.ch Postal Address Sulgenauweg 40 3007 Bern ORCID No orcid.org/0000-0003-3442-9764
CV Since 4/2019 PD at Faculty of Medicine, University of Bern. Since 8/2010 Head of Anthropological Department, Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Bern. 4/2009 – 6/2010 Postdoctoral research fellow, Unit for Palaeopathology, Faculty of Medicine, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich. 4/2009 Dr. rer. biol. hum., Faculty of Medicine, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich. 9/2006 – 9/2008 Research associate, German Archaeological Institute, Department Cairo. 3/2003 – 10/2006 Research Assistant, GeoBio-Center, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich. 4/2003 Dipl. Biol., Faculty of Biology, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich. 9/2002 – 2/2003 Research Assistant, Department Biology I/ Anthropology, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich. Appointments Since 2021 President of the Swiss Society for Anthropology (SGA) 2014-2021 Vicepresident of the Swiss Society for Anthropology (SGA) 2015-2017 Board member of the German Society for Anthropology (GfA) Conference Organization Meeting "Forensic Anthropology in German Speaking Countries – Status quo and Perspectives" of the Working group Forensic Anthropology (AGFA), 26th July 2024, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg. Annual Meeting and Workshop "Ancient DNA Research in Bioarchaeology" of the Swiss Society of Anthropology (SGA/SSA), 24th-25th November 2023, University of Zurich Campus Irchl, Zurich. Annual Meeting and Workshop "Highlights of the Galler Collection" of the Swiss Society of Anthropology (SGA/SSA), 11th-12th November 2022, Natural History Museum, Basel. Annual Meeting and Workshop "Diachronic Trends in Anthropology" of the Swiss Society of Anthropology (SGA/SSA), 26th November 2021, Archaeological Service Grisons, Chur. Workshop "Archaeology and Anthropology of Southern Siberia", 24th-25th February 2020, University of Bern. Supported by MVUB, University of Bern; side applicant (CHF 4.860). Meeting "Forensic Anthropology" of the Working group Forensic Anthropology (AGFA), 18th-19th October 2018, Medical University of Vienna. Annual Meeting "Imaging in Anthropology" of the Swiss Society of Anthropology (SGA/SSA), 6th October 2018, University of Bern. Supported by MVUB, University of Bern; main applicant (CHF 2.986). 12th Meeting of the Society for Anthropology (GfA), "Homo Homini Lupus? Between Conflict and Cooperation" 18th-22nd September 2017, Geislingen an der Steige. Meeting "Forensic Archaeology" of the Working group Forensic Anthropology (AGFA), 21st October 2016, University of Bern. Supported by MVUB, University of Bern; main applicant (CHF 4.000). Workshop "Preservation and representation of human bones and its importance for anthropological analysis", University of Bern, 2013. Supported by MVUB, University of Bern; main applicant (CHF 3.300). Google Scholar Researchgate
Research focus Research Interests Forensic anthropology and forensic archaeology Interdisciplinary bioarchaeology and funerary practices Diet, mobility and social differentiation in the European Prehistoric populations Taphonomy Lifestyle and paleopathology in Ancient Egypt Research Projects BoNe: Bioarchaeology of Neolithic Inhumations in the Western Alpine Region (5000 – 3000 BCE). How are Changes in Burial Customs linked with the Social Structure of Populations? SNF project (Postdoc level) at Bern University, 2023-2027 (principal investigator); CHF 612.873. SNF Scholars-at-Risk-Grant, 2022-2023 (side applicant), submitted by Bern University; CHF 100.744. To be a child in Roman Aventicum/Avenches (1st-3rd c. AD): Evidence on health, disease and feeding practices from bioarchaeology and stable isotope analysis. SNF project (Postdoc level) at Fribourg University, 2016-2019 (side applicant), cooperation with Prof. Véronique Dasen; CHF 443.076. Multidisciplinary research approach to the Swiss Oberbipp dolmen in the context of the Neolithic revolution in Central Europe. SNF project (PhD level) at Bern University, 2015-2019 (principal investigator); CHF 340.795. Nutrition, origin, and social stratification in the Late Iron Age. Stable isotope analysis of Swiss skeletal series. SNF project (PhD level) at Bern University, 2014-2017 (principal investigator); CHF 348.460. Archaeology and Anthropology of the Middle Ages cemeteries in the southern Swiss Alps: characterization of the population and occupation. SNF project (PhD level) at Bern University, 2013-2013 (side applicant), cooperation with Prof. Christa Ebnöther; CHF 204.803. Excavation of the Neolithic Dolmen in Oberbipp, Erziehungsdirektion Canton Bern, 2012 (side applicant), cooperation with Archaeological Service of Canton Bern; CHF 78.500. Graduate Scholarship (PhD level) at Ludwig-Maximilian-Universtiy Munich, 2004-2006 (principal investigator); approx. EUR 24.000.
Reviewer Editor Academic Editor for PLoS ONE Reviewer for Journals American Journal of Physical Anthropology Anthropologischer Anzeiger. Journal of Biological and Clinical Anthropology Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences Archaeometry Archäologische Informationen Bulletin of the Anthropological Swiss Society Forensic Science International Frontiers of Medicine Homo, Journal of Comparative Human Biology International Journal of Legal Medicine International Journal of Osteoarchaeology International Journal of Paleopathology Journal of Archaeological Science Journal of Archaeological Science, Reports Journal of Forensic Radiology and Imaging Journal of Forensic Science and Research Journal of Glacial Archaeology Nature Scientific Reports PLoS ONE Science and Justice Reviewer for Institutions Democritus University of Thrace, School of Classics & Humanities, Greece Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Germany European Research Council (ERC) European Science Foundation (ESF) L'Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), France National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH), Hungary Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Belgium Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung (SNF), Switzerland The Adelaide Graduate Centre, University of Adelaide, Australia Universität Wien, Faculty of Life Sciences, Austria Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf, Germany Committee Work Collegium generale, University of Bern European Meeting of Forensic Archaeology, Madrid, Spain Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences, Universiy of Bern Interfakultäres Doktoratsprogramm Altertumswissenschaften (IDA), University of Bern Scientific board of Bavarian State Collection for Anthropology, Munich, Germany
Teaching Since 2011 Lecture series "Forensische Medizin für Mediziner", lesson "Forensische Anthropologie" Since 2011 Lecture series "Forensische Medizin für Juristen", lesson "Forensische Anthropologie" Since 2012 PhD colloquium in biological anthropology and bioarchaeology Since 2012 Introductory course "Methoden in der Prähistorischen Archäologie", lesson "Biologische Anthropologie" FS 2023 IDA lecture "Feste und Feiern in der Antike" HS 2022 Tutorial "Tod und Bestattungssitten im römischen Westen" HS 2022 IDA lecture "Kinder in der Welt der Antike" HS 2021 IDA lecture "Zäsuren. Wendepunkte in der Welt der Antike" FS 2020 Collegium generale lecture "Alles falsch" FS 2019 Tutorial "Grundlagen und Potential der Physischen Anthropologie" FS 2016 Colloquium "Mummies as bioarchive – Anthropological and Archaeological Research on preserved Human Remains" FS 2014 Tutorial "Einführung in die Methoden der Anthropologie" HS 2012 Tutorial "Einführung in die Methoden der Anthropologie" FS 2011 Tutorial "Körper, Geist und Seele der Berner im Zeitalter der Aufklärung" 2002 – 2006 Practical course "Biochemische Methoden in der Anthropologie" (LMU Munich) 2002 – 2006 Practical course "Osteologie" (LMU Munich)
Memberships Swiss Society for Anthropology (SGA) American Association of Biological Anthropology (AABA) German Society for Anthropology (GfA) Paleopathology Association (PPA) Swiss Society for Forensic Medicine (SGRM) International Society of Forensic Radiology (ISFRI) European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) Swiss Archaeology (AS) Swiss Working Group for Medieval and Modern Archaeology Working Group for Prehistoric Research in Switzerland (AGUS) Working Group for Provincial Roman Research in Switzerland (ARS)